Pleasant Valley
School Hours 7:45 am to 2:25 pm
Principal: Dr. Karen Russo
Assistant Principal: Christine Fellona
Secretary to Principal: Stephanie Dougherty
Building Receptionist: Coleen Short
School Resource Officer: Mike Minniti
Upcoming Events
Day 2
- PTA Meeting
- HTS 7:30pm
Day 3
Day 4
- 100th Day of School!
Day 5
- Pillo Polo
- PVS 1pm
School Closed
- Valentine's Day
- Teacher In-Service
School Closed
- President's Day
Day 6
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
- Spirit Day: Pajamas
- School Store
Day 4
Day 5
- Family Math Game Night
- HTS 6-7:30pm
Day 6
- Explorer Recognition Breakfast
- PVS 7am
- HTS 8am
- Family Math Game Night
- PVS 6-7:30pm
Day 1
- Class Pictures & Spring Portraits
Day 2
- Ramadan begins
Day 3
- Early Dismissal
- Parent Conferences
Day 4
- Early Dismissal
- Parent Conferences
Day 5
- Ash Wednesday
Day 6
Day 1
- Spirit Day: School Colors
Daylight Savings Time
- Spring Forward 1 Hour!
Day 2
- End of Trimester 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
- Coffee with the PTA
- HTS 10am